Video Horror Society - The Highschool - Lighting
Video Horror Society - The Highschool - Lighting

While at Hellbent Games I worked as the lighting artist on VHS - a competitive, asymmetrical multiplayer game.
On this level I did a relight from the ground up including lighting optimization, post process and color correction.
These images are from when I left the studio. Final in-game lighting may be slightly different, handled by Sean Disero.
Art Direction:
. . Chris Mair
. . Eman Soupidis
Level Designer:
. . Chris Mair
Environment Artists:
. . Corissa Karvonen
. . Brandon Woodsford
. . Rhiannon Catton
. . Monique Disero
. . Robert McCall
. . Finlay Moylan
. . Sean Disero
. . Dominic Pekar